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What We Found

To conduct this research we used both qualitative and quantitative research. We looked at various books, journals and videos that focused on the impact of social media on users, Following this, we conducted an anonymous online survey where 83 participants were asked to discuss their thoughts and experiences of using social media. we also conducted a workshop consisting of DKIT students. This was done as a way to generate ideas for our scripts. We gave students scenarios relating to social media and got them to act them out as a means to discuss the effects of social media addiction. We used this as a focus group too by asking the participants their thoughts and opinions on their experience with using social media.


Our survey found that participants agree that it is possible to be addicted to social media with 59 participants strongly agreeing. One of the main symptoms of social media addiction is having an inability to control social media usage. 70 participants said that they would check social media either frequently or very frequently among the day. Withdrawal, inability to control and tolerance issues are some of the main symptoms of this addiction. Even though our findings suggest our participants were on the fence, our secondary research could suggest they are unaware of their social media usage and have become used to spending extensive amounts of time online. 3 participants did admit that when they are spending time with family or friends they are distracted by their phones and in turn, this can affect relationships. Our research found that 65 participants agreed that using social media can have an effort on your self-esteem with 33 participants stating that receiving likes/comments on their social media posts makes them feel good about themselves. 71 participants said that social media use can affect their mental health, making them feel anxious/depressed, They also agreed that too much social media use can affect factors such as their sleep, work and college work. Users can become reliant on going online to feel better. They form a tolerance and increase their social media usage over time, causing an inability to control usage. 32 participants said they when they are feeling low/down they use social media to improve their mood.






Participants agree that social media can:


  • Be an addiction

  • Affect relationships with friends and family

  • Affect your mood negatively

  • Affect your self-esteem

  • Affect your work/college work

  • Affect your sleep

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